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04 Jargalsaikhan - Precipitation and grassland porductivity |
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10 Tuvshintogtokh and Ariungerel - Overgrazing |
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12 Nachinshonhor - Steppe vegetation and pastoralism |
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2. Driving environmental factors and the role of grazing in grassland communities |
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3. Impact of Interannual Variability of Meteorological Parameters on |
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Characteristics of Dust Emission in the Mongolian Steppe |
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Complementary effect of livestock and marmot on vegetation |
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Degraded rangeland dominated by unpalatable forbs |
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Desertification Emerges through Cross-scale Interaction |
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Do pasture user groups lead to improved rangeland condition in the Mongolian |
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Effects of Caragana microphylla patch and its canopy size |
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Effects of Different Grazing on the Typical Steppe Vegetation Characteristics on the Mongolian Plateau_ |
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Effects of fertilization and irrigation on productivity, |
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Effects of large herbivore exclusion on southern Mongolian desert steppesq |
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Effects of livestock grazing on pollination |
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Effects of livestock grazing on the spatial heterogeneity |
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Effects of NPK Fertilisation in Arid Southern Mongolian Desert Steppes |
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Environmental controls on evapotranspiration from sparse grassland in Mongolia |
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Epiphytic lichens as indicators of grazing pressure in the Mongolian |
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Equilibrium or Non-Equilibrium Ecosystems-Scaling Effects in Rangeland Ecosystems of |
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Geospatial Assessment of Grazing Regime Shifts and Sociopolitical Changes in a Mongolian |
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Germination Ecology of Central Asian Stipa Spp-Differences among Species, Seed |
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Germination of fresh and frost-treated seeds from dry Central Asian steppes |
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Heavy grazing constraints on foraging behavior of Mongolia livestock |
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How Mongolian Herders Are Transforming Nomadic Pastoralism |
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Impact of Grazing Livestock and Distance from Water Source on Soil Fertility in Southern |
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Impact of rainfall variability and grazing pressure on plant diversity |
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Late Holocene vegetation history suggests natural origin of steppes |
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Palatability of Mongolian Rangeland Plants |
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Pastoral nomadism in Mongolia |
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Pastoral nomadism in the forest-steppe of the Mongolian Altai under a changing |
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Pastoralism and protected area management in Mongolia’s Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park. |
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Pasture yield response to precipitation and high |
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Phenology of mongolian grasslands and moisture conditions |
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Plant functional types and climate along a precipitation |
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Plant response to climate change varies with topography, interactions with neighbors, and ecotype |
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Pollinators attracted to mound created by marmot (1) |
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Population, Nomadic Pastoralism and the Environment in the Mongolian Plateau |
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Predictive Mapping of Plant Species and Communities Using GIS and Landsat Data |
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Pressurised pastoralism in South Gobi, |
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Rangeland management in highly variable environments |
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Rangelands of Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Conservation Park, Mongolia |
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Reconsidering the role of absentee herd owners A view from Mongolia |
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Relationship between Soil Moisture and Vegetation Activity |
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Simulating Root Responses to Grazing of a Mongolian Grassland Ecosystem |
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Spatial and Social Boundaries and the Paradox |
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Temporal and spatial variation in how vegetation alters the soil moisture response |
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The effects of livestock privatisation on pastoral land use and land tenure in Post-Socialist Mongolia |
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The Role of Mongolian Nomadic Pastoralists' Ecological Knowledge in Rangeland Management |
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