First stop: Visit to the rangeland health monitoring sites
Demo sites are used to show herders the impact of improved grazing management and reducing grazing density. Two different sites will expose different levels of rangeland recovery. A local researcher will guide you through the sites.
Second stop: Meeting with local government and Leader of Soum Association of Pasture User Groups of nomadic herders
Herder’s perspective on rangeland management situation and collective rangeland management approach
Rangeland Use Agreement
Role of Pasture User Groups
Third stop: Visit to Herders Savings and Credit Cooperative and raw material marketing cooperative
Local leaders will explain the story behind setting up Savings and Credit Cooperatives as well as Marketing Cooperative to improve their access to cash and market opportunities.
Fifth stop: Visiting and eating traditional lunch with nomadic herder family who has introduced improved grazing management and implementing Wildlife Conservation Program
Establishment and implementation of rangeland use agreement established with local government, experiences and lessons learnt, advantages and disadvantages, and participation in the Wildlife conservation program in cooperation with Wildlife Conservation Society.
Published: 2018-04-16 04:00:22