All members' meeting and event - Munhiin buyan uguuj SCC

Munhiin buyan uguuj SCC

The good news is that “Munkhiin Buyan Uguuj” SCC of Durgun soum, Khovd aimag has successfully implemented its first 3-year business plan and approved its second 3-year business plan at its general meeting.

The cooperative convened an all-members meeting on August 17, 2020. The meeting was attended by 148 members with an attendance of 64.4 percent and discussed the following issues. These include:

  • Approve SCC's business plan for 2020-2022
  • Approve SCC anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations
  • Amend the SCC charter
  • Amend the rules of procedure of SCC leaders
  • Amend the rules of procedure of the SCC Supervisory Board
  • Re-election of SCC Supervisory Board
  • Re-elect the SCC Board of Directors
  • Carry out activities in the program among SCC members

As of August 15, 2020, the SCC has 230 members, including: Male -132 Female-98.

The deposit package is:

Term deposits of 181 members 370926.8 thousand MNT
Term deposits of 118 members 22075.2 thousand MNT
The loan portfolio is: 168 members for 457594.5 MNT

Share capital of 230 members 58400.0 thousand MNT, Fixed assets 2452.5 thousand MNT. As a billionaire SCC with a total assets of MNT 500 million, I am full of courage and hope to implement my second business plan.