We are supporting the development of herders by organizing a “Pasture User Group”

Mongolian national federation of pasture user groups supporting herders to establish and develop a “Pasture User Group”. For example, in 184 soums of 18 aimags, more than 90,000 herders in a total of 1595 PUG, households have joined forces in common interests, borders, and territories, including the rational use of pastures, protection from degradation, rehabilitation, and labor cooperation. We provide professional and methodological support to herders in establishing and developing the “Pasture User Group”.

Grapic 1 Number of total Pasture user group between 2016-2020 / by aimag / 

Article 481.1 of the Civil law states: “Several persons may organize and operate in the form of associations and partnerships based on a cooperation agreement, and such organizations shall not be registered in the state registry, and their structure shall be determined by mutual agreement”. It provides for the establishment and operation of a “Pasture User Herder Group”.

Depending on local characteristics, climatic conditions, herders' migration, and pasture use traditions, the size of one “Pasture User Herder Group” varies, with an average of 40-50 households and 30-40 thousand hectares of a pasture shared and working together.

The organization of herder groups based on shared pastures is important to improve labor organization, develop herder cooperatives, increase herders' participation in decision-making, and create a system of accountability for the rational use and protection of natural resources and joint management of pastureland is a priority.
